Badgin Creek Conservation Reserve.
Reserve Name: Badgin Creek Conservation Reserve.
Area: 26.5 ha.
Location: Shire of York (SOY) Western Australia
Reserve: R1021
Management: River Conservation Society Inc.
Vegetation Assemblages: Medium woodland of Wandoo, York Gum, Salmon Gum, Morrel
and Gimlet.
Waterways: Badgin Spring, South Mortlock River.
Soil Types: Red and grey deep sandy and loamy duplex.
Badgin Creek Conservation Reserve is located on the Mortlock River south branch, downstream of Flea Pool. The reserve was generally in poor condition when the River Conservation Society (RCS) took it over; parts of the reserve had been used for grazing and cropping and showed signs of secondary salinity. The reserve had been partially fenced in the past but the RCS completed fencing in 2006 utilising funding from the Western Australian Department of Water Avon River Basin Fencing Program.
The RCS vision was to create a large wildlife corridor that linked the Wallaby Hills to the Mortlock River. Therefore fencing and revegetation efforts focused on linking Badgin Creek reserve to the upstream SOY Reserve 838 and the downstream RCS reserve called Crees Road with intervening vacant crown land along the river. Other RCS revegetation efforts in the area occurred along Badgin Creek and Grass Tree Soak in 2002.