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Caljie Pool
Conservation Reserve.


Reserve Name: Caljie Pool Conservation Reserve.


Area: 28.7 ha.


Location: Shire of York Western Australia


Reserve: R2455


Management: River Conservation Society Inc.


Vegetation Assemblages: Succulent steppe with thicket; Melaleuca  over samphire.


Waterways: East Mortlock River and two minor tributaries.


Soil Types:  Grey and red deep sandy and loamy duplex.


Caljie Pool Reserve straddles the East Mortlock River upstream of Duck Pool. In 2004 the RCS received permission from the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to fence the unallocated crown land on both sides of the river from Caljie Pool Reserve to Duck Pool Road to create a wildlife corridor (a distance of over 2km). The fencing was supplied by the Department of Water Avon River Basin Fencing Program and erected by Green Corps conservation volunteers.

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