Jim Masters Conservation Reserve.
Reserve Name: Jim Masters Nature Conservation Reserve.
Area: 21.2 ha.
Location: Shire of York.
Access: Quellington Road.
Custodian: River Conservation Society Inc.
Vegetation Assemblages: Medium woodland of York Gum (Eucalyptus loxophleba).
Waterways: Mortlock River South.
Soil Types: Grey and red deep sandy and loamy duplex, alkaline grey deep sandy duplex and saline wet soil.
Jim Masters Nature Conservation Reserve is located on the east bank of the South Mortlock River in Quellington. It was named for Jim Masters, a retired farmer recognized for his conservation efforts in the region. At some point the reserve was illegally cleared, so once vested in the R.C.S. it was proposed to re-vegetate using native plant species, selected based on the original vegetation records made in the early 1900’s, and the composition of surrounding riparian vegetation.
The R.C.S. erected signage on the reserve in 2007 and in 2009, 10,000 native trees (5,000 supplied by the WA Department of Water (DoW) and 5,000 by the R.C.S.) were planted utilizing Green Corp labour. At the same time, 1.3 km of fencing supplied by the DoW Avon River Basin Fencing Program was erected on the east side of the reserve. Neighbouring landholders also received funding to fence the west bank of the river so that the reserve was completely protected. The reserve now forms part of a riparian wildlife corridor extending from Kelly’s Pool to Duck Pool on the Mortlock River South – a distance of approximately 8 km.