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The Avon River Project.

Avon River.

European: Avon River.  Thought to have been named after the Avon River in England.


Ballardong Noongar: Gogulyar Bilya.  Gogulyar is believed to relate to the sound the water makes when flowing over rocks and Bilya is the Ballardong word for river.





Prior to European settlement, Gogulyar Bilya and the surrounding country was home for a thriving population of Ballardong Noongar people who had inhabited the region for tens of thousands of years.  The main Avon River channel in the Shire of York was braided, with many small channels interweaving between thickly vegetated islands.  Many deep, shady permanent pools were also found along this section of the river, they provided refuge for aquatic life during the dry summers. The adjacent woodlands were rich with many species of flora and fauna.

The river contained sediment and a bedload of sand and silt, but prior to European settlement this material was in equilibrium, with natural gains and losses in balance. The river’s original bedload was largely intact until about the 1940s or 1950s. Since then the river has been seriously degraded as a result of the impacts of land clearing, river training, farming and salinisation. Many of the once deep permanent pools have either totally or partially filled with sediment.

The River Conservation Society (R.C.S.) was formed in 1990 in response to increasing public concern over the degradation of the Avon River.  At this time the R.C.S. began a careful survey of all aspects of river management and began the process of fencing out exotic weeds from the Avon River and its tributaries. Work began on restoring the river banks and establishing a revegetation strip 30 meters wide on both banks for the entire length of the Avon River within the Shire of York.

The management of the river itself was of major concern. The R.C.S. persuaded the then Waterways Commission to excavate several of the silted up permanent pools on the Avon, including Gwambygine Pool south of York.  From 1996 to 1998 the society carried out the first ever biological survey of an inland permanent pool. This pool at Gwambygine has become the baseline against which the condition of other pools is measured for depth, water quality and aquatic flora and fauna.  The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has recently (2023) added Gwambygine Pool to their permanent survey sites for their Healthy Rivers Program.

Through fauna and flora surveys, habitat restoration initiatives, and revegetation efforts, the R.C.S. has worked tirelessly to restore the river's health. The Society’s endeavours, demonstrate our commitment to honouring both the river's heritage and its future.

In recent years our focus has been on restoring the health of the river around the York townsite. Our efforts to control weeds, remove rubbish and revegetate riparian areas with native species, reflect our unwavering dedication to the Avon River’s wellbeing.

As the R.C.S. looks ahead, our determination to ensure a healthy river environment remains steadfast.





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Avon River Updates


Update 2024


January & February:
Rakali, Riparian and River Health Project continuing

Containers for Change recycling townsite pickup fundraising project continuing

African Boxthorn removal along the Avon River riparian zone continuing

Environmental Discovery Centre development continuing

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Volunteers collecting containers for recycling
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Update 2023


Revegetation with 4,500 native plant seedlings on approx. 9 hectares of the riparian zone along Mile Pool. Funded by Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management’s Healthy Soils, Healthy Rivers grant and assisted by our volunteers and Activate The Wheatbelt

Tanjinn Reserve planting, infill planting along Pitt Brook (a tributary of the Avon River) with 300 native plant seedlings. Funded by donations to our Gift Fund and planted by R.C.S. volunteers

Revegetation with 800 native plant seedlings along the riparian zone at the Environmental Discovery Centre. Funded by donations to our Gift Fund and planted by R.C.S. volunteers

250 native reeds planted for frog habitat on western side of Avon River. Funded by donations to our Gift Fund and planted by R.C.S. volunteers

1,000 native plant seedlings planted along the river walk trail. Funded by donations to our Gift Fund and planted by R.C.S. volunteers

Weed control along river walk trails and in riparian revegetated areas.  Worked with Noongar Boodja Rangers to control weeds along Mile Pool prior to revegetation

Participated in the Community RC Stump Out Litter day, held a talk to school children on how to prevent litter from ending up in the river

River cleanup on Cleanup Australia Day.  Good news! very little rubbish found. Containers for Change recycling townsite pickup fundraising project continued

Rakali, Riparian and River Health Project continued

Conducted educational river walks and talks during The York Festival

Collaborated with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s river survey for their Healthy Rivers Project

Continuing establishment of an Environmental Discovery Centre in York

Rakali native water rat feeding midden with gilgie remains hidden under riverbank ledge
A large green and white bin for holding recyclable containers
Man cutting down a large non native African Boxthorn bush

Update 2022


A 3 year Rakali, Riparian and River Health Project commenced with funding from State Natural Resource Management’s Community Stewardship Grant

Revegetation of 1 hectare of riparian zone at River Street with 2,300 native plant seedlings. Funded by Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management’s Healthy Soils, Healthy Rivers grant

Revegetation of 6 Mile Brook (a tributary of the Avon River) with 7,000 native plant seedlings, funded through a private donation

Held a fun and educational native plant revegetation morning along the riparian zone of the river with children from York Childcare Centre

Infill planting of native seedlings along riverbank in RV Park

Weed control along river walk trails and in riparian revegetated areas. Removal of African Boxthorn from riverbank below the Environmental Discovery Centre.

River cleanup on Cleanup Australia Day. Containers for Change recycling townsite pickup fundraising project continued

Conducted educational river walks and talks during The York Festival

Held a presentation on Rakali in the Avon River as part of the Wheatbelt NRM’s school holiday program

Continued establishment of an Environmental Discovery Centre in York

R.C.S. volunteers carrying out revegetation work
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Teaching the little ones about revegetation.jpg

Update 2021


Revegetated on east side of the Avon river, downstream of the swing bridge, with 12,000 native plant seedlings , assisted by our volunteers and Activate The Wheatbelt

Revegetated with 500 native plant seedlings on the west side of Mile Pool with Year 6 students from York District High School

Revegetated with 3,000 native plant seedlings in riparian zone at Oliver Battista Motocross Track, funded by Forest Products Commission WA and assisted by our volunteers and the York community

Held a fun and educational native plant revegetation morning along the riparian zone of the river with children from York Childcare Centre

Weed control along river walk trails and in riparian revegetated areas

River cleanup on Cleanup Australia Day. Containers for Change recycling townsite pickup fundraising project continued

Rakali monitoring in river pools continued

Took part in Wheatbelt NRM’s Waterways Education Workshop with the Year 4/5’s from York District High School

Commenced establishment of an Environmental Discovery Centre in York on the banks of the Avon River. Funded by a generous grant from the WA State Government

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Handing over the keys to our proposed Environmental Discovery Centre.jpg
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Update 2020


8,000 native species of reeds planted on river reserves and river tributaries

Avon Park and RV Park revegetation on Avon River banks

Weed control along river walk trails and in revegetated riparian areas

African Boxthorn follow up inspections of sites along river and removal of regrowth

Avon River cleanup on Cleanup Australia Day. Containers for Change recycling townsite pickup fundraising project commenced

Held a fun and educational native plant revegetation morning along the riparian zone of the river with children from York Childcare Centre

Rakali monitoring on Gwambygine Pool, Parkers Reach and Blands Pool

Held various river based events including a meet and greet day at the river with members of the Conservation Council WA

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Update 2018/2019


Removal of approximately 250 African Boxthorn bushes from the Avon river riparian zone in the Shire of York.  Removal of approximately 250 African Boxthorn bushes from the Avon river riparian zone in the Shire of York. Funded through the Royalty for Regions scheme Fire Mitigation grant under the Mitigation Activity Fund

Revegetation of the river’s riparian zone in the York townsite with 8,000 native plant seedlings with funding from the Shire of York and assistance from our volunteers and Activate The Wheatbelt

Weed control along the river walk trails and revegetated areas

York townsite river cleanup, with a skip bin, several trailers and utes filled to overflowing with rubbish removed from in and around the river

Monitoring of Rakali in the river pools.  Rakali observed swimming in Mile Pool in May

Collaborated with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s river survey for their Healthy Rivers Project

Held various river based events including an educational presentation on threatened fauna by ecologist Dr Geoff Barrett

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