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Tanjinn Well Conservation Reserve.


Reserve Name: Tanjinn Well Conservation Reserve (To be officially named).

Reserve Number:  50542.

Area: 16.68 ha.

Location: Quairading-York Road and Wrights Road, Shire of York.

Custodian: River Conservation Society Inc.

Vegetation: Mixed woodland, main species are Needle Tree (Hakea preissii), Wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo), York Gum (Eucalyptus loxophleba), Salmon Gum (Eucalyptus salmonophloia) and Swamp Sheoak (Casuarina obesa). Understory of mixed shrubs, herbs and grasses.

Waterways: Pitt Brook.

Soil Types: Red and grey deep sandy and loamy duplex.


In 2009 management orders were given to the R.C.S. for this reserve for the “Protection of Natural Landscape”. Boundary fencing with adjoining farmland was completed using funding allocated by the Western Australian Department of Water’s Avon River Basin Fencing funds and using labour supplied by the Green Corp.

Recently (2020) a review of this reserve has been undertaken by the RCS with several interesting flora species being discovered and specimens sent to the WA Herbarium for formal identification.  During August, 8,000 reeds donated by Westgrow Farm Trees, were planted by RCS volunteers along Pitt Brook, with the hope that some will survive the salt water and grow and seed to help revegetate this degraded area.  Further revegetation will occur in the future to help to restore the salt scalded areas.  Restoration and permanent fencing of the historic stone well will be undertaken next year.

Our Supporters

We acknowledge the Ballardong Noongar people as the original custodians of this land and their continuing connection to its rivers and bushland. We pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and the pivotal role that they continue to play in caring for country.

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Postal: PO Box 373, York, WA 6302

Street: 7 Glebe Street York, Western Australia

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© 2024 by River Conservation Society Inc, York WA

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